MiG 21
특유의 델타익 덕분에 소련군 내에서는 파일럿 들로부터 발랄라이카 라는 별명으로 불렸다. MiG-21 PF型是最早的夜戰機型 伊拉克軍隊的10架米格21在 德勒斯登 維修1990年 米格-21戰鬥機 俄語 Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-21 是 苏联 米高扬格列维奇设计局 于1950年代初期研制的一种单座单发轻型超 音速 的 第二代戰鬥機 北約代號 為 魚床 魚窩 Fishbed 苏联 飞行员 给它的外号是 三角琴 波兰人 则称它为 铅笔 米格-21包含仿製改良型可能是.
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Với một cấu hình cánh tam giác MiG-21 là máy bay đầu tiên của Liên Xô thành công trong việc kết hợp giữa tính năng của máy bay tiêm kích và đánh chặn trong cùng một máy bay.

. F-16 Fighting Falcon via. MIG-21 has a top speed of 2230 KMPH The 143-meter long jet weighs 5846 KG and it possesses the attacking range of 1470 meter. November 15-én hivatalosan is megkezdték a modernizálást.
Výroba ve firmě HAL trvala do roku 1981. Once the USSR was over many users of these. Model MiG-21MF Fishbed-J byla v podstatě verze MiG-21M s novým motorem Tumanskij R-13 -300 a radarem R-22 Safír 21.
The MiG-21 was the Soviet Unions first truly modern second-generation jet fighter. The MiG-21 had a long production run1959 to 1985and the airplane was thereafter updated and modified by companies in India Israel and Romania. First one in the MiG-21PF later three beginning with MiG-21R.
Copied by the Chinese. MiG-21M byl vyráběn jen v závodě Znamja Trudy v letech 19681971. The reason for it was the small internal fuel volume.
Podívejte se též na diskusní stránku zda tam nejsou náměty k doplnění. Testing began in 1956 and the first version entered service in 1960 as the MiG-21F-13. Western forces code-named the MiG-21 Fishbed and some versions have flown well into the 21st century.
It was the first production aircraft with 93 machines being made 20 in 1959 73 in 1960. The MiG-21 is one of the worlds most famous jet fighters. However its days are numbered as the majority of air forces switch to newer fighters.
General info Flight performance Air brakes Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps Drogue parachute Reduces braking distance when landing on any runway Max speed. The MiG-21 was the most numerous fighter jet in the arsenal of the Soviet Union. After a dispute about fishing rights on Lake Chad in April 1983 Nigerian MiG-21s are said to have attacked several lakeside villages leaving as many as 90 dead and many more wounded according to.
MiG-21 has become one of the most famous and popular fighters in the world. This Soviet-made aircraft first flew in 1955 and more than 50 countries have used various versions. 2 구 소련 전투기 중 사상 최초의 마하 2급 전투기이며 미그 전투기 중 유일하게 고정무장으로 기관포 가 없이 미사일 만으로 무장하는 시도를 하기도 했다.
Much like the AK-47 became the everymans rifle the MiG-21 has been operated by more than 40 countries worldwide and has enjoyed the longest production run of any modern jet fighter to date. 1959년 1 부터 총 11000대가 생산된 공산권의 대표적 전투기. Furthermore the model was upgraded in 2006 to add extra ballistic missile in it.
When the soviet Air Force demanded to make the MiG-21 to a nuclear weapon platform soon. The multi-role fighter fought American fighter jets during the Vietnam War. On its modifications E-66 E-76 and E-33 24 world records were set.
Tento článek potřebuje aktualizaci neboť obsahuje zastaralé informace. The MiG-21U Mongol was a trainer based on the MiG-21F-13. The MiG-21 was mass-produced for more than 30 years.
The MiG-21US Mongol-B followed suit as did the MiG-21UM also Mongol-B. One of the major problems of the MiG-21 was the short range of the plane. It was introduced in Update New Power.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 NATO 코드명. To solve the problem additional tanks on the back were installed. МиГ-21 は ソ連 の ミグ 設計局 が開発した 戦闘機 多くの機数が生産され世界各国に配備された その翼形からソ連では他の デルタ翼 機と同様に愛称が バラライカ と言われていた 北大西洋条約機構 NATOの使用する NATOコードネーム は フィッシュベッド Fishbed魚の寝床 目次 1 概要 11 開発 12 第1世代 13 第2世.
The Elbit MiG-21 Lancer is an Israeli upgrade variant of the soviet Mikoyan MiG-21 Fishbed made to upgrade the fleet of fighters from the ex-Iron Curtain countries. V roce 1971 získala Indie licenci na výrobu přičemž první sériový stroj dodali indickém letectvu v roce 1973. Air Force pilots secretly.
Můžete Wikipedii pomoci tím že ho vylepšíte aby odrážel aktuální stav a nedávné události. And simply rebuilt and kept in service so long that even today there are 14 developing countries operating the ancient jet as their first-line fighter. The USSR built more than 10000 MiG-21s before ending production in 1985.
The MiG-21 Lancer is not a new plane but the name given to one of the modifications to the MiG-21 has modernized after the collapse of industries in the former Soviet Union. The MiG-21bis is a rank VII Soviet jet fighter with a battle rating of 103 AB and 110 RBSB. Made in Russia the fighter jet first came to service back in 1972.
Mig 21 hudební skupina Wikipedie Mig 21 hudební skupina Možná hledáte. The MiG-21bis is a delta wing supersonic fighter-interceptor jet aircraft. MiG-21 F in Szprotawa Poland as a monument MiG-21F-13 at the Barksdale Global Power Museum F Forsirovannyy uprated Single-seat day fighter aircraft.
A MiG21 2000-et a romániai kis átalakítást leszámítva más ország nem rendelte meg. 1993 közepén az Elbit Systems Ltd-t választották ki a rendszerintegrálások kidolgozására. MiG-21 The most widely produced supersonic jet fighter of all time the MiG-21 Western reporting name Fishbed is an incredibly prolific aircraft.
Dated but nimble it has allowed skilled pilots in past decades to defeat more advanced aircraft. The MiG-21 Mongols were trainers and fitted with two-seat tandem cockpits for student and instructor at the cost of fuel and endurance appearing in three main sub-variants.
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